Be Light Bearers — Bible Study Express

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Be Light Bearers
Be Light Bearers
Be Light Bearers

Spread light wherever you go. Show that you have a strong purpose and are not easily influenced by evil companions. Do not agree with those who dishonor God. Instead, try to reform and save others from evil.

Pray, and gently persuade those who are against themselves. Saving one soul brings joy in Heaven and adds to your reward. A saved soul will influence others to find salvation, and the work will grow. Only on the day of judgment will we see the full extent of this work.

Don't hesitate to work for the Lord because you think you can only do a little. Do your small part faithfully, and God will work with your efforts. He will write your name in the book of life as someone worthy of entering the joy of the Lord. Let's ask the Lord earnestly to raise up more workers, because there is a great harvest and not enough laborers.

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