Cherished Broad Ideas — Bible Study Express

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Cherished Broad Ideas
Cherished Broad Ideas
Cherished Broad Ideas

Young people should have broad ideas and wise plans to make the most of their opportunities. They should be inspired by the apostles. John says, "I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one." God invites the youth to serve Him truly. Young men who are eager to learn from Christ can do great work for Him if they follow His command to be strong.

You are to be men who walk humbly with God, standing before Him with your God-given manhood, free from impurity and the corruption of this age. Be men who reject all falsehood and wickedness, who dare to be true and brave, holding high the banner of Christ. Your talents will grow as you use them for the Master, and He will value them. Do not sit idle because you cannot do something great. Do whatever your hands find to do with thoroughness and energy.

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