Chapter 2—A Call to the Youth — Bible Study Express

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Chapter 2—A Call to the Youth
Chapter 2—A Call to the Youth
Chapter 2—A Call to the Youth

God wants young people to become serious-minded, ready to act in His important work, and prepared to take on responsibilities. God calls for young people with pure hearts, who are strong, brave, and determined to fight for what is right. By studying the Bible, calming their desires, and listening to God, they will find peace and be lifted up. It's very important for young people to follow the instructions in the Bible.

Think about what will happen if you live a wild life, not controlled by God's Spirit. "Don't be fooled; God is not mocked: whatever a person sows, that they will also reap. If they sow to please their own desires, they will reap destruction." For your own good and for Christ's sake, who gave Himself to save you, stop and think about your responsibilities and opportunities. God has given you a chance to achieve great things. Your influence can spread God's truth, and you can work with God to help save people.

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