Called to a High Destiny — Bible Study Express

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Called to a High Destiny
Called to a High Destiny
Called to a High Destiny

Young people should appreciate the high destiny they are called to! Think carefully about your choices. Start your work with high and holy goals, and be determined not to stray from the right path. If you start going in the wrong direction, every step will bring danger and trouble, and you will drift further from the path of truth and success. You need your mind and moral energy strengthened by God's power.

God's work needs the best efforts of young people, and many fields need young people who are educated and can be trusted to work hard. Even young people with ordinary abilities who give themselves completely to God and stay pure will be successful and do great work for God. Be serious-minded and follow God's guidance.

Many young people have wasted their God-given strength on foolish things. Many sad stories come to mind of young people who ruined their minds, morals, and bodies because of bad habits. Their health and ability to be useful are greatly harmed because they indulged in unlawful pleasures.

I urge you, careless youth, to change your ways and work with God. Make it your goal to bless and save others. If you seek help from God, His power working in you will overcome all opposing forces, and you will become holy through the truth. Sin is widespread among the youth today, but let it be your purpose to help save others from Satan's power.

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