Satan in Disguise — Bible Study Express

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Satan in Disguise
Satan in Disguise
Satan in Disguise

Satan is preparing his deceptions so that in his last campaign against God’s people, they may not realize it’s him. The Bible says, “And no wonder, for Satan himself transforms into an angel of light.” Some people, believing he doesn’t exist, are easily taken captive by him. Satan knows better than God’s people the power they can have over him when their strength is in Christ.

When believers humbly ask the mighty Conqueror for help, even the weakest can successfully resist Satan. He is too cunning to come openly with his temptations, for that would awaken the Christian’s defenses, and they would rely on Christ. Instead, Satan comes in disguise, working through those who disobey but pretend to be godly. He will use all his power to harass, tempt, and mislead God’s people.

Satan dared to face and tempt our Lord and had the power to take Him to high places. He will use his power even more on this generation, who are far less wise and mostly unaware of his subtlety and strength.

Satan can affect the bodies of those who naturally follow his lead. He is pleased when people think he is a fiction or a mere character in stories. This underestimation allows him to succeed with his plans. If people understood his power and subtlety, they would be better prepared to resist him.

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