Chapter 1—Building Character for Eternity — Bible Study Express

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Chapter 1—Building Character for Eternity
Chapter 1—Building Character for Eternity
Chapter 1—Building Character for Eternity

I care a lot about young people and really want to see them trying to be better Christians. I hope they study hard and pray a lot to learn what they need to serve God well. I want them to help each other to grow as Christians.

Jesus came to show everyone how to be saved, and He made it easy enough for a child to understand. He tells His followers to keep learning about God. As they follow Him every day, they learn that His guidance is like the morning light.

You've seen the sun rise and how the light slowly spreads across the sky. Little by little, it gets brighter until the sun is fully up. This is a great picture of how God wants to help us grow as Christians. As we follow His light each day and obey Him, our faith grows stronger until we become fully mature Christians.

Young people should always remember the path that Jesus followed. Every step He took was about overcoming challenges. Jesus didn't come as a king to rule the nations. He came as a humble man to face and overcome temptations. By studying His life, we learn how much God can do for us through Jesus. We also learn that no matter how hard our problems are, they aren't more than what Jesus faced to show us the way. By living like Him, we show that we appreciate His sacrifice for us.

Young people have been saved by a huge price—the blood of God's Son. Think about the sacrifice God made by letting His Son die for us. Think about what Jesus gave up when He left heaven to live and die for us. He was insulted and mocked. He suffered everything that bad people did to Him. And when His work on earth was done, He died on the cross. Think about His suffering on the cross—the nails in His hands and feet, the insults from the people He came to save, and feeling like His Father had left Him. But it was through all this that Jesus made it possible for anyone who wants to have a life with God.

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