Preface — Bible Study Express

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In ancient times, when Jerusalem was to be rebuilt, the prophet, in a vision, heard a heavenly messenger saying to another, “Run, speak to this young man.” Similarly, in these times, young men and women of the Advent movement have been given an important role in the final events of earth’s history.

“The Lord has appointed the youth to be his helping hand.”—Testimonies for the Church 7:64.

“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!”—Education, page 271.

Such messages have been directed to the young people of this movement through the spirit of prophecy since the beginning of our work. The Lord’s chosen instrument for this gift, Mrs. Ellen G. White, was only seventeen when she began her work. She experienced the struggles of childhood and youth against the powers of darkness and knew the life of victory in Christ. Many messages of instruction, sympathy, reproof, and encouragement have come from her, addressed directly to young people. These messages always direct the youth to Christ and His word as the only source of strength for building noble Christian character, and they have greatly encouraged the spirit of dedication that has marked so many of our young people.

In 1892 and 1893, messages were given suggesting that young people should be organized into groups and societies for Christian work. From these suggestions, the Young People’s Society of Missionary Volunteers was formed, which has greatly influenced the lives of Adventist youth worldwide.

While much of what Sister White wrote for young people has been published in her books, many articles that appeared in the Youth’s Instructor and other places have not been preserved in permanent form. These instructions are a precious heritage and should be in the hands of all our young people today. Therefore, the General Conference Missionary Volunteer Department has reviewed everything she has written in our periodicals from the beginning of her work and selected material related to young people and their problems. Although it has not always been possible to preserve entire articles, care has been taken to select parts that clearly convey the author's ideas on each topic. To create a well-balanced book of instruction, we have also included much material already in book form but not widely distributed to young people.

The work of gathering and arranging the articles for this volume was a collaborative effort by the Trustees of the Ellen G. White Publications and the Secretaries of the Missionary Volunteer Department. Through the careful efforts of the Southern Publishing Association, this counsel is sent forth in this attractive form. It is hoped that this book will spark interest among our young people, leading them to carefully study all the messages that have come to the remnant church through the spirit of prophecy.

It is our earnest prayer that these messages will greatly strengthen the young people of the Advent movement worldwide, helping them perfect their Christian character and giving new motivation toward completing our great task—“The Advent message to all the world in this generation.”

M. E. Kern, Secretary of General Conference Missionary Volunteer Department.

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